How to write? Write passionately, from the heart, as if you are delivering a baby. "Just get that baby out"
David Yeazell gave me the best single piece of advice about writing, "When a woman is giving birth she isn't concerned about the baby being all cleaned up for presentation to the family, right? What is she focused on? Just getting the baby out. That's how it works best when you have something to say, just get it out. Don't worry about cleaning up grammar, punctuation, or even making sure that all of your sentences make sense or paragraphs are tight and succinct...just get the baby out."
The second best piece of advice was also from David, and is related to the first, "Go where your heart is when you write. You might start in the middle of the book, or the end. Go where your focus is and write where there is energy. Don't force yourself to write in sequence from the introduction to the final summary...just get it out. You can organize and fill in later. Trust that what is in your heart and mind has been put there by God, just get it out as it comes to you. Edit, sequence and organize later."
The most common barrier to writing that I've heard is, "I don't know where to start." David's advice answers that question. Start by getting out whatever is in your mind and heart, today. Trust that the rest will come. It's like building a puzzle. If when you look at the pieces scattered on the floor in front of you, there are several that are easy to fit together, go ahead and put them together, and go from there.
How to write? Write with passion, from your heart, with little concern about cleaning your baby up as it comes out. There's time for that later. The most important thing is to get it out. You can clean it up at leisure later, (or better, have someone help you).
Let's review:
Why write? - For others
When? - During "best-energy" times of your day
Where? - Wherever you are when God gives you a download, AND wherever you are comfortable/focused.
How? - With passion, and lack of concern about making it perfect while you are getting it out.
Next week is WHAT to write. "You mean I have something to say that others might want/need to hear?"
Blessings, Jeff
A good place to start:) I'm all perfectionistic and stuff...kinda hard not to edit as I go, but I'll sure give it a shot.