What to write? Write what you know about, what you've lived and experienced, what you're passionate about, that which can help others as you have been helped.
The economy of the Kingdom of God is about paying it forward...giving to others from what God has given to us. Interestingly, this is also the best way to retain what you've received. It keeps you fresh and grateful, and provides built-in accountability to practice what you are preaching to others. For example, the married couple that struggled in the past to save their marriage is reminded of the heart and skills they need to use to stay healthy as they teach the same to others.
Do you think that you don't have anything new to say; that the story of what God has done in you isn't unique, fresh or compelling? Let Him and others be the judge of that. Even if your story of transformation is similar to the story of others, it is unique because you are unique, and the way you tell it will be unique. And the way others hear it will be unique. Write in faith, dispense what you've written (on this website, on your website, your own blog, a self-published book, etc.) and wait for a grateful reader to surface. Trust that there is at least one person out there that needs to hear your story (i.e., the story of what God has done in your life), to inspire and equip them to cooperate with His plan to transform their life!
Does the mountain look too big to ascend? Does the elephant look to big to eat? You've heard the answer to both: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius. And an elephant is eaten one bite at a time.
Trust that I'm not lauding myself with the following example, but rather making an attempt to bridge you from thinking about writing to writing.
My reluctant journey to accept the identity of writer by actually writing with purpose was two years. It began with motivation to be helpful to others. It began simply as an act of faith that God would call my mind to something helpful when I opened my laptop. Miracle of miracles, He brought things to mind day after day. Eighteen months later I'd logged 5 days/week , writing about 350-700 words per entry. No one was more surprised than me. I didn't know how much I had to say; rather, I didn't have any idea that He wanted to say so much through me.
So there's the challenge. Steward today by sitting down to a blank page to pray, "What would you have me say?" Often He will have already brought a person or a group to mind. He's had me write to married couples in crisis and pain, and so I write as if speaking to them. An effective question that has helped to develop many an outline has been this, "If I have only one opportunity to speak to this person/group, what must be said to inspire and equip them?"
What's your story? Recovery from hopelessness in a relationship? Survival of teen pregnancy? Recovery from drug addiction? Overcoming a debilitating mental or emotional illness? Successful negotiation of extended family conflict? Adjustment to a cross-cultural ministry setting? And on, and on it goes. The content it is possible to write about includes all of life!
What to write about? Write about what you know that might be helpful to people God brings to mind or across your path. And never, never, never underestimate the potency of the uniqueness of your story, and the unique way that He inspires you to tell it.
Ok, now go open a blank Word document, and pray for inspiration.
God bless, Jeff
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